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A problem about being honest, just a few!

Just a few who people break pledges, tell lies and dishonour themselves and the people they represent.

I cannot agree or endorse much of what “Donald Trump” said, however he did speak of “DRANING THE SWAMP”!
Shetland has its very own swamp. A few very disingenuous people, have and may still lurk within. If elected I will push for that swamp to be independently investigated, expose the liars, self-servers and encourage all necessary action.

Porkies: CV
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Remember that election pledge?

We now have  only cuts to grant funding, nothing towards ferry fare cuts!!!

SHETLAND Islands Council leader Gary Robinson says there will be a “serious question” over the sustainability of inter-island ferry services if no new deal with the Scottish Government!


UK Grant to Scotland Increases, Shetland Grant cut cut by the SG/SNP

A recently FOI request to the Scottish Office for the value of the block grant given to the Scottish government. There were already figures for the years up to 2011-12 from a previous FOI request, but the last few years were not available. The graph shows the cash value of the UK - Scotland block grant, alongside the cash value of the block grant paid to the SIC. Neither set of figures have been adjusted for inflation etc, but are just showing the raw unadulterated figures. The graph speaks for itself.
This Scottish government has chosen to allocate proportionately less of the block grant to Shetland than previous governments and the trend is only going one way.

At the time of writing , two year funding cut from  the SG/SNP to Shetland, £8.5 million. That is the largest cut in any Scottish local authority!


Political Leader Shetland Island Council

Letter from a West side  resident.   "When Gary was campaigning before the last council elections he assured me of his total opposition to Viking Energy.
He now appears to totally back this toxic ‘shovel ready’ project.
Should Councillor Robinson have the audacity to seek re-election for the west side I can assure him that quite a number of his constituents would be more than ‘shovel ready’ to bury his political aspirations without trace."

Gary Robinson, election manifesto, 17 April 2012. "We must recognise and support the achievement of pupils and staff at Aith JHS who gained some of the best exam results in the country. I stand on my track record of supporting schools in the Shetland West ward."

18:40 Friday, 13 September 2012. Radio Shetland interviewed Gary Robinson on , the eve of the Education Committee debate on school closure proposals. 
Councillor Robinson stated that "although I stood at the last election on a ticket supporting local schools, that he could not rule out support for closure of six schools." Aith Junior High was one of those six.!!!

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